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Essential oils

Wholesale offer


Our essential oils are high-quality natural raw materials obtained from plant material by steam distillation. The plants used for their production are grown in harmony with nature. They are free from the pollution of intensive agriculture. This is confirmed by certificates from our specialized partner farms and professional laboratory analysis. We offer conventional and organic variants. The above distinguishes our offer from other, cheap products, e.g. originating in China or synthetic ones.

Natural Essential Oils wholesale


EU Organic - Ekologiczne - Eko
Hemp - Konopie - Konopí - Konope.jpg
Olejek Eteryczny Cannabication

Hemp Essential Oil

Contains the full spectrum of terpenes found in hemp.

In our offer:

  • Conventional oil

  • Organic oil

  • Hydrolate (in larger quantities, on request)

Sample terpene profile

Humulene alpha


Caryophyllene beta

Caryophyllene oxide



Ocimene trans beta

Myrcene beta

Pinene alpha

Pinene beta

Selinene beta


Sunflower - Słonecznik - Slunečnice - Slnečnica.jpg
Olejek Eteryczny Cannabication

Sunflower Essential Oil

A unique, rare oil with special health-promoting properties.

In our offer:

  • Conventional oil

  • Hydrolate (in larger quantities, on request)

Terpene profile example:

Monoterpenes: Alpha-pinene, sabinene

Sesquiterpenes: Calarene, Gurjunene


EU Organic - Ekologiczne - Eko
Tarragon - Estragon - Estragón.jpg
Olejek Eteryczny Cannabication

Terragon Essential Oil

In our offer:

  • Conventional oil

  • Organic oil

  • Hydrolate (in larger quantities, on request)

Terpene profile example:

Ether: Estragole or methyl chavicol

Monoterpenes: trans-beta-ocimene and cis-beta-ocimene, limonene


Thuja artrovirens - Tuja.jpg
Olejek Eteryczny Cannabication

Thuja Essential Oil

In our offer:

  • Conventional oil

  • Hydrolate (in larger quantities, on request)

Terpene profile example:


Alpha thujone




EU Organic - Ekologiczne - Eko
Olejek Eteryczny Cannabication
Monard - Monarda.jpg

Monard Essential Oil

In our offer:

  • Conventional oil

  • Organic oil

  • Hydrolate (in larger quantities, on request)

Terpene profile example:


Monoterpenols: Geraniol, linalool


EU Organic - Ekologiczne - Eko
Spearmint - Mięta - Máta kadeřavá - Mäta klasnatá.jpg
Olejek Eteryczny Cannabication

Spearmint Essential Oil

In our offer:

  • Conventional oil

  • Organic oil

  • Hydrolate (in larger quantities, on request)

Terpene profile example:


Ketones: Menthone, Carvone


Monoterpenes: Limonene


Monoterpenols: Menthol


Sesquiterpenes: Germacrene D


EU Organic - Ekologiczne - Eko
Peppermint - Mięta pieprzowa - Máta peprná - Mäta pieporná.jpg
Olejek Eteryczny Cannabication

Peppermint Essential Oil

In our offer:

  • Conventional oil

  • Organic oil

  • Hydrolate (in larger quantities, on request)

Terpene profile example:


Ketones: Menthone, Isomenthone, Pulegone


Monoterpenes: Limonene


Monoterpenols: Menthol


EU Organic - Ekologiczne - Eko
Olejek Eteryczny Cannabication

Oregano Essential Oil


In our offer:

  • Conventional oil

  • Organic oil

  • Hydrolate (in larger quantities, on request)

Terpene profile example:


Phenols: Carvacrol, Thymol


Monoterpenes: Gamma terpinene


EU Organic - Ekologiczne - Eko
Dill - Koperek - Koper - Kopr.jpg
Olejek Eteryczny Cannabication

Dill Essential Oil


In our offer:

  • Conventional oil

  • Organic oil

  • Hydrolate (in larger quantities, on request)

Terpene profile example:

Ketones: Carvone


Monoterpenes: Limonene, Beta Phellandrene


Ether: Dill ether, Ether-Aneth


Tansy - Wrotycz pospolity.jpg
Olejek Eteryczny Cannabication

Tansy Essential Oil

In our offer:

  • Conventional oil

  • Hydrolate (in larger quantities, on request)

Terpene profile example:






Chrysanthenyl acetate


Thyme thujanol - Tymianek - Tymián.jpg
Olejek Eteryczny Cannabication

Thyme (Thujanol) Essential Oil

In our offer:

  • Conventional oil

  • Hydrolate (in larger quantities, on request)

Terpene profile example:


Monoterpenols: Thujanol, Terpinen-4-ol, Linalool


Monoterpenes: Myrcene


Esters: Myrcenyl acetate


EU Organic - Ekologiczne - Eko
Thyme thymol - Tymianek - Tymián.jpg
Olejek Eteryczny Cannabication

Thyme (Thymol)​ Essential Oil

In our offer:

  • Conventional oil

  • Organic oil

  • Hydrolate (in larger quantities, on request)

Terpene profile example:


Phenols: Thymol, Carvacrol


Monoterpenes: Para-cymene, Gamma terpinene


Monoterpenols: Linalool


Sesquiterpenes: Betacaryophylene

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